Wellesbourne Garage owner and part Time Fireman Tim Stowe, who races for the elite squad of Team Jewson M.I.Racing Thule, has certainly been “on fire” during the current Mountain Bike season, with very high places in major events up and down the U.K., inc 6th place in the recent British Veteran Championships. It is now confirmed that Tim has won the Midland Summer series for 2012, with one counting event still to be contested, such is the lead in points he has established.
Tim is a former British Down Hill Mountain Bike Champion, is a member of the current Veteran Cyclo Cross National Team Champions and will be helping his team to more championship performances in the months to come.
Team Director Mick Ives said “Tim is a great competitor, and brings class and skills to the sport, developed in his younger days as one of the U.K.’s top Motor Cross riders, he has been a member of the M.I.Racing team for over a decade and provided the Team with some exceptional victories. How he fits his training inbetween running a family Garage business, and also being a part time fireman I don’t know, but somehow it works”