Wellesbourne’s most successful racing cyclist, has shook the Veteran Racing
world by returning to competition, only a few months after having a knee

Tim Stowe who runs the family garage business in Wellesbourne, had a knee replacement at the end of 2019, following many years of suffering – the result of his earlier motor cross days where he was one of the countries
leading riders.

62 year old Tim, a former British Veteran Down Hill Mountain Bike Champion,  rides for the Coventry Elite Cycle Race team Team
“Jewson–M.I.Racing–Polypipe–McCann–7 formation” finished 7th in the
Over 60’s Mountain Bike Race at Dudmaston Wood near Bridgenorth in round 1 of the 2020 Midland Mountain Bike series on Sunday which was won by team mate Kirby Bennett who beat the current National Champion by over 2 mins! A great start to the mountain bike season for Mick Ives’s M.I.Race Team.

Team Boss, Ives said, “I was amazed that Tim has got himself back into this sort of condition so soon following his big operation. He will be really pleased with the result and will slowly get into top shape in time for the Cyclo Cross season later in the year.”

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