photo (1) (Custom)National Veteran Cyclor Cross Champion Phil Roach from Rugby was in terrific form over the weekend when he won the Swadlingcote round of the Notts and Derby League on Saturday.  He was closely followed by Team Mate Pete Busby from Coventry, who also finished on the podium in 3rd place.  Roach then followed his win up just a few hours later on the Sunday morning with a 2nd place in the Wolverhampton Cyclo Cross at Aldlesley Stadium which is part of the Midland Series, with Busby once again in 3rd spot.

Team Jewson – M.I.Racing – Polypipe Rider Pete Busby now leads the overall position in the series, looking for a double as he won the Midland Mountain Bike Series in the Summer.

Nuneaton Team member John Gabriel finished 2nd in the 65+ class and Wellesbourne’s Tim Stowe made it a great day for the Coventry based team with 4th place in the 55+ class.

In the race for Veterans 40 years and over, later in the day the Team’s current Midland Series Champion Phil Blacker finished in 2nd place, and his team mate Steve Knight (still recovering from a severe attack of the the flu) finished in 4th overall and 2nd best 45+ rider.

The results prove once again that we are the Top Veteran Cycle Race Team in the U.K

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