What a way to finish off a brilliant Cycle Race season.
Coventry based Cycling Team Jewson M.I. Racing Thule, capped a brilliant 2012 season, with a 1, 2, 3 in the Stratford C.C. Cyclo Cross promotion at Henley in Arden, Warks on Sunday.
Rider in form Kenilworth’s Darren Atkins, who spent the Christmas period, in Ireland, with his inlaws, and away from the race sceen for a few days was worried if the short break, would mean a loss of formhe didn’t need to worry, as he rode away from all the opposition, within yards of the start. Following the recent heavy rain, the course was always going to be muddy, and so it proved, with large sections where riders found it quicker to run, rather than ride, This was Atkins 14th victory out of 16 races this season, and he now looks forward to winning the National Trophy series, and the final round at Derby next Sunday, Darren’s team mate and former multi British Champion, Steve Knight recovered from his usual slow start, and for much of the race was chasing team mate Mark James, but eventually, overtook James, and stayed clear for 2nd place, but several minuteutes behind AtkinsJames retained 3rd place with ease, to make it a 1st, 2nd, 3rd for the Team.
In the earlier race for Veteran riders 50 years and overWellesbourns Tim Stowe did a brilliant ride, cominuteg thro the large field following a poor start, finishing in 3rd place, and just failing to catch the second placed rider, Team mate, Peter Busby, produced his best ride of the season to finish in 4th placethe winner was Mick Davies the Midland Champion, but the rider second in the Midland Championships, could only finish 5th, a long way down in 4th place.
Stowe and Busby will be part of the Team who will be trying to retain the team Championship in the National Championships at Bradford in 2 weeks time. a Championship that M. I. Racing have won more times than any other U.K. Team.